Preint001 In Unit 1, you will learn to:
Preint002 talk about extended family with present simple
Preint003 talk about people at work and friends with the present simple and continuous
Preint004 use go and play to talk about sports
Preint005 discuss free time activities with read, do, listen, go, play and watch
Preint006 order food and take orders
Preint007 talk about the past with past simple
Preint008 ask questions with the past simple
Preint009 use countable and uncountable nouns
Preint010 talk about food with some, any, much, many, a lot of, a little and a few
Preint011 talk about the past with used to
Preint012 describe past actions with past continuous
Preint013 use correct intonation with questions
Preint014 pronounce weak vowel sounds
Preint015 In Unit 2, you will learn to:
Preint016 talk about future intentions with will and going to
Preint017 speak on the telephone
Preint018 describe people with what' / what does...look like
Preint019 talk about body parts
Preint020 compare things with comparatives -er, more and much
Preint021 describe cities with superlatives -est and most
Preint022 describe likes and dislikes with can't stand, hate, adore…
Preint023 talk about sizes with too and not enough
Preint024 use present continuous to talk about future arrangements
Preint025 make suggestions with let's, shall, what about, and how about
Preint026 contract sounds to sound more natural
Preint027 improve intonation when complaining
Preint028 improve pronunciation of vowel sounds
Preint029 In Unit 3, you will learn to:
Preint030 talk about life experiences with present perfect and past simple
Preint031 use English at the airport
Preint032 discuss news with the present perfect
Preint033 start a conversation with a new person
Preint034 use new words to talk about business around the world
Preint035 describe some things different countries sell with passives
Preint036 talk about your education with -ing and to
Preint037 ask for and give advice with should and shouldn't
Preint038 learn exercise vocabulary
Preint039 use modals of obligation and permission in the present have to, don't have to, must, mustn't, can and can't
Preint040 use modals of obligation and permission in the past had to, didn't have to, could and couldn't
Preint041 improve intonation to show interest
Preint042 improve sounds and stress patterns with 'tion' word
Preint043 In Unit 4, you will learn to:
Preint044 talk about future predictions with will and going to
Preint045 learn about extreme adjectives
Preint046 use a, an, the and zero article
Preint047 talk about relationships with present perfect, since and for
Preint048 talk about actions with present perfect simple and continuous
Preint049 interview for a job
Preint050 talk about future possibilities with first conditional, if and when
Preint051 ask for things politely
Preint052 talk about unreal or impossible situations with the second conditional
Preint053 use narrative tenses past simple and past perfect to tell stories in the past talk about past events
Preint054 report things people say
Preint055 improve intonation in conditional sentences
Preint056 improve pronunciation of sounds
Sylint0061 Intermediate 1
Sylint0062 In Unit 1, you will:
Sylint0063 talk about permanent and temporary situations using present simple and continuous
Sylint0064 use present continuous
Sylint0065 talk about future arrangements
Sylint0066 use new vocabulary to talk about government policies
Sylint0067 review past simple and continuous
Sylint0068 learn to describe people and things using ing/ed adjectives
Sylint0069 learn to use articles a, an, and the
Sylint0070 review this, that, these, those
Sylint0071 learn about negative comparatives using isn't
Sylint0072 talk about big and small differences using just a bit, slightly, much, and a lot
Sylint0073 ask for, give, and receive directions politely
Sylint0074 talk about your life using used to, still and not anymore
Sylint0075 talk about quantity using a few, a lot of, much, many, a little, a bit of
Sylint0076 pronounce difficult vowel and consonant sounds
Sylint0077 stress words correctly
Sylint0078 use intonation to sound polite
Sylint0079 In Unit 2, you will:
Sylint0080 talk about your experiences using past simple and present perfect
Sylint0081 use some new education vocabulary
Sylint0082 talk about work using the present perfect continuous
Sylint0083 talk about education and work using for, since and ago
Sylint0084 describe experiences using when, as soon as, while, just as and until
Sylint0085 describe the background to a scene or story using past continuous
Sylint0086 talk about sequential events using past simple
Sylint0087 use was / were going to to talk about something you intended to do, but didn't
Sylint0088 talk about instant decisions using will
Sylint0089 talk about future plans using going to
Sylint0090 learn about negative prefixes
Sylint0091 describe people and places using some new adjectives
Sylint0092 learn about word families
Sylint0093 pronounce difficult consonant and vowel sounds
Sylint0094 Intermediate 2
Sylint0095 In Unit 3, you will:
Sylint0096 use passives in questions, positive and negative statements
Sylint0097 talk about winter sports and competitions
Sylint0098 make predictions using will, going to and might
Sylint0099 talk about certainty how sure you are using will and the adverbs definitely, probably and almost certainly
Sylint0100 talk about customs and culture using must, have to, mustn't and don't have to
Sylint0101 use didn't have to and had to to talk about obligation in the past
Sylint0102 speak about your obligations in the present and past
Sylint0103 learn water vocabulary about bodies of water and kinds of water
Sylint0104 give your teacher advice with should, shouldn't, ought to, I think, I don't think
Sylint0105 learn TV and film vocabulary
Sylint0106 review question form
Sylint0107 learn about subject questions
Sylint0108 pronounce common vowel sounds and 'ed' endings
Sylint0109 stress words correctly
Sylint0110 use correct intonation for questions
Sylint0111 In Unit 4, you will:
Sylint0112 use the prefix -im
Sylint0113 use public transport vocabulary
Sylint0114 learn to be polite when using public transport
Sylint0115 learn to speak with a bus driver
Sylint0116 use banking and money vocabulary
Sylint0117 use 1st and 2nd conditionals
Sylint0118 ask questions using 1st and 2nd conditionals
Sylint0119 report what people say using reported speech
Sylint0120 use say and tell
Sylint0121 make and ask reported questions
Sylint0122 talk about types of movies and describe them
Sylint0123 use the past perfect to describe movies and tell stories
Sylint0124 use narrative tenses with the past simple, past continuous and past perfect
Sylint0125 tell stories using when, while and during
Sylint0126 ask your teacher questions using verbs with to and -ing
Sylint0127 use verbs that take both to and -ing with a change in meaning
Sylint0128 use new phrases with the word drive
Sylint0129 pronounce difficult consonant sounds
Sylint0130 Intermediate 3
Sylint0131 In Unit 5, you will:
Sylint0132 use new adjectives to describe food
Sylint0133 give formal and informal opinions
Sylint0134 express agreement and disagreement
Sylint0135 practice agreeing or disagreeing
Sylint0136 use new vocabulary to describe stages of life
Sylint0137 use the future continuous
Sylint0138 use future perfect to describe actions that will already be completed by a specific time in the future
Sylint0139 describe people with the suffixes -er, -or and -ist
Sylint0140 use question tags to confirm information or ask questions
Sylint0141 recognize verbs and nouns that go together
Sylint0142 use words for music
Sylint0143 make suggestions
Sylint0144 use new vocabulary to rent a house or apartment
Sylint0145 use verb patterns with the prepositions for and about
Sylint0146 learn new words to talk about services and tradespeople
Sylint0147 use have something done to arrange for someone else to do something for us
Sylint0148 talk about customer service
Sylint0149 make polite requests
Sylint0150 stress words correctly
Sylint0151 use intonation to correctly
Sylint0152 pronounce difficult sounds
Sylint0153 In Unit 6, you will:
Sylint0154 use new vocabulary to talk about crime and criminals
Sylint0155 use modals of speculation - may, might, could, must - to make guesses about present and past situations
Sylint0156 express regret with should have
Sylint0157 talk about childhood with common phrasal verbs
Sylint0158 use the suffixes -hood, -ish, and -less to make nouns and adjectives
Sylint0159 describe mishaps using common verbs and nouns that go together
Sylint0160 use the 3rd conditional to talk about imaginary past situations
Sylint0161 describe people's personalities using some new adjectives
Sylint0162 talk about past wishes using I wish + past perfect
Sylint0163 review relative pronouns - that, which, who, when, where, those
Sylint0164 make sentences with defining relative clauses using that, which, who, when, where, whose
Sylint0165 talk about inventions
Sylint0166 add extra information to sentences
Sylint0167 use non-defining relative clauses
Sylint0168 use cleft sentences to make what you say stronger to emphasize what you say
Sylint0169 describe geographical features
Sylint0170 contract speech to sound natural
Sylint0171 stress words in sentences
Sylint0172 use intonation correctly
