
Mostrando entradas de octubre, 2010

Science Grows on Acquiring New Language

Science Grows on Acquiring New Language

7 Fantastic Free Social Media Tools for Teachers

7 Fantastic Free Social Media Tools for Teachers

Introducing Google TV


Education Article :: 12+ Ways to Teach Using Multiple Intelligences

Education Article :: 12+ Ways to Teach Using Multiple Intelligences

RSA Animate - Changing Education Paradigms

Top ten tips for using technology in the classroom

30 Great Sites for Learning a Language Online for Free - Free Online Language Classes | Ace Online Schools

30 Great Sites for Learning a Language Online for Free - Free Online Language Classes | Ace Online Schools

The secret of the Sphinx and Atlantis

English Grammar Clip - Passive Voice

Jon Kabat-Zinn: Coming to Our Senses

The Road from Project Manager to Agile Coach - 1 of 2

7 Fantastic Free Social Media Tools for Teachers

7 Fantastic Free Social Media Tools for Teachers

A Poor Wise Man, by Mary Roberts Rinehart

A Poor Wise Man, by Mary Roberts Rinehart

Teaching Tips from Hot Spot co-author Colin Granger

Goya - The Black Paintings

Why do you need to set goals in your business?

Why do you need to set goals in your business?

Chile miner rescue [UPDATED]

Chile miner rescue [UPDATED]

John Lennon - Imagine

Isaac Asimov Sobre El Aprendizaje Voluntario


3rd Virtual Round Table Conference, 8-9 October 2010

Teaching Tips from Hot Spot co-author Colin Granger

Pronunciation - the poor relation?

Pronunciation - the poor relation?

Pecha Kucha Training Bite

Klaus Dona: The Hidden History of the Human Race March 2010 Part 1 of 5

Engaging English: Lowering the Barriers

Engaging English: Lowering the Barriers

10 Power Tools for Lifelong Learners | Open Culture

10 Power Tools for Lifelong Learners | Open Culture

Why the Ancient Mayan Culture is So Mesmerizing | Trifter

Why the Ancient Mayan Culture is So Mesmerizing | Trifter

WE. an article in NYT

Theodore Rockwell , who served as technical director for the U.S. Navy ’s nuclear-propulsion program in the 1950s and ’60s, shared a telling anecdote about his onetime boss, the famously irascible Adm. Hyman G. Rickover. “One time he caught me using the editorial we , as in ‘we will get back to you by. . . .’ ” Rockwell recalled in his memoir, “The Rickover Effect.” “He explained brusquely that only three types of individual were entitled to such usage: ‘The head of a sovereign state, a schizophrenic and a pregnant woman. Which are you, Rockwell?’ ” Related More On Language Columns Rickover was hardly alone in his abhorrence of the editorial we — so called because of its usage by anonymous opinion columnists. In fact, his barb has been told in many different ways over the years. Consider another volatile personality, Roscoe Conkling, who served as senator from New York after the Civil War. In 1877, Conkling objected to how the new president, Rutherf

Lingering over lingerie?

Lingering over lingerie?