
Mostrando entradas de marzo, 2011

. I teach English and Spanish classes in Wiziq and Skype.(rico0013)

ENGLISH FROM YOUR COMPUTER INGLÉS DESDE SU COMPUTADORA CON MAESTROS EN VIVO Aprenda o mejore su nivel de Inglés en la comodidad de su computadora en aulas virtuales con maestros en vivo, con las siguientes opciones: 1.- Clases uno a uno. 2,. Clases en grupo hasta tres personas. 3.- Con grupos multiculturales / multilingües (con compañeros de clase de diferentes nacionalidades de lenguas nativas diversas). NIVELES Beginners (Principiante) Clase DEMO Nouns Substantivos Pega el link en tu explorador. (el demo no tiene audio) http://www.wiziq.com/tutorial/35652-Sustantivos Sustantivos Uploaded by Ricardo E. on WiZiQ Tutorials Elementary (Elemental) Pre- Intermediate (Pre-intermedio) Intermediate (Intermedio) Upper Intermediate (Intermedio superior) Advanced (Avanzado) CLASES ESPECIALES A.- Inglés de supervivencia B.- Inglés para guías de turistas. C.- Inglés para turismo D.- Regularizaciones para Primaria, Secundaria y Preparatoria. E.- Exámen CENEVAL. G.- Requerimientos especiales


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Pronunciation - the poor relation?

Pronunciation - the poor relation?

Sir Ken Robinson, March 2011, Learning Without Frontiers


Cloverdale: "To wish"


A Lot, Lots Of, A Lot Of

A Lot, Lots Of, A Lot Of These three expressions are used in informal English. They can mean either a great quantity of or a large number of and can be rather confusing at times. Here are the general rules for their use. A Lot Of / Lots Of These two expressions both mean a great deal of or several. They are used before a count or non-count noun. These two expressions tend to be used in informal English. Examples: We need a lot of people for this game. She likes lots of jam on her toast. A Lot Use a lot at the end of a sentence as an adverb. A lot is NOT followed by a noun. The meaning is the same as a great deal. Examples: I enjoy swimming a lot. Mary seems to travel a lot.


Hello Class - Are you Married?



Wish Structure View more presentations from Carmen Torres .


Location: Field info displayed for all countries in alpha order. Middle America, bordering the Caribbean Sea and the Gulf of Mexico, between Belize and the United States and bordering the North Pacific Ocean, between Guatemala and the United States Geographic coordinates: Field info displayed for all countries in alpha order. 23 00 N, 102 00 W Map references: Field info displayed for all countries in alpha order. North America Area: Field info displayed for all countries in alpha order. total: 1,964,375 sq km country comparison to the world: 15 land: 1,943,945 sq km water: 20,430 sq km Area - comparative: Field info displayed for all countries in alpha order. slightly less than three times the size of Texas Land boundaries: Field info displayed for all countries in alpha order. total: 4,353 km border countries: Belize 250 km, Guatemala 962 km, US 3,141 km Coastline: Field info displayed for all countries in alpha order. 9,330 km Maritime claims: Field info displayed for all cou


The site of advanced Amerindian civilizations, Mexico came under Spanish rule for three centuries before achieving independence early in the 19th century. A devaluation of the peso in late 1994 threw Mexico into economic turmoil, triggering the worst recession in over half a century. The global financial crisis beginning in late 2008 caused another massive economic downturn the following year. As the economy recovers, ongoing economic and social concerns include low real wages, underemployment for a large segment of the population, inequitable income distribution, and few advancement opportunities for the largely Amerindian population in the impoverished southern states. The elections held in 2000 marked the first time since the 1910 Mexican Revolution that an opposition candidate - Vicente FOX of the National Action Party (PAN) - defeated the party in government, the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI). He was succeeded in 2006 by another PAN candidate Felipe CALDERON. National el

Learning a language

Language Learning: Why Most Fail and How YOU Can Succeed [COMPLETE] View more presentations from John Fotheringham

Tokyo, Briefly Terrified by Quake, Recovers Quickly - The Atlantic

Tokyo, Briefly Terrified by Quake, Recovers Quickly - The Atlantic

Japan: Vast devastation - The Big Picture - Boston.com

Japan: Vast devastation - The Big Picture - Boston.com

Dream Job


Goodbye, Mr. Chips - Part 1 of 15


Lucy Gayheart by Willa Cather (1935)

Title: Lucy Gayheart Author: Willa Cather (1935) BOOK I 1 In Haverford on the Platte the townspeople still talk of Lucy Gayheart. They do not talk of her a great deal, to be sure; life goes on and we live in the present. But when they do mention her name it is with a gentle glow in the face or the voice, a confidential glance which says: "Yes, you, too, remember?" They still see her as a slight figure always in motion; dancing or skating, or walking swiftly with intense direction, like a bird flying home. When there is a heavy snowfall, the older people look out of their windows and remember how Lucy used to come darting through just such storms, her muff against her cheek, not shrinking, but giving her body to the wind as if she were catching step with it. And in the heat of summer she came just as swiftly down the long shaded sidewalks and across the open squares blistering in the sun. In the breathless glare of August noons, when the horses hung their heads and the w


English Vocabulary in Use (Upper Intermediate & Advanced)

Another Lesson Combining Metacognition, Writing, Speaking, & Listening

Another Lesson Combining Metacognition, Writing, Speaking, & Listening

Richard Marx - Right Here Waiting For You With Lyrics


You needed me - Anne Murray
