Vocabulary, phonics, Aachen-abscess

| ˈɑːkən | Aachen: 1. Aix-la-Chapelle
| ˈɑːdvɑːk | aardvark cerdo hormiguero
| ˈɑːdvɑːks | aardvarks cerdos hormigueros
| ˈɑːdwʊlf | aardwolf
| ˈɑːrhuːs | Aarhus | ˈerən |
| aˈbrɪdʒd | abridged
| aˈbrɪdʒɪŋ | abridging
| aˈbrɪdʒɪz | abridges
| aˈbrɪdʒmənt | abridgment n. A condensed form as of a book or play.
| ˈæb | ab prefijo que indica separacio/n
| æbˈdɑːmɪnl̩ | abdominal
| æbˈdɒmɪnl̩i | abdominally
| ˈæbdəˌkeit | abdicate : renounce; give up (position, right, or responsibility)
| æbˈdəkʃn̩ɪz | abduction's el secuestro de
| æbˈdəkʃn̩z | abductions secuestros
| æbˈdəkt | abduct | æbˈdəktəd |
| æbˈdəktər | abductor | æbˈdəktərz |
| æbˈdəktər | abductor raptor
| æbˈdəktərz | abductors secuestradores
| æbˈdəkts | abducts rapta
| ˈæbdəmənz abdomens abdomenes
| ˈæbdəmənz | abdomens
| ˌæbdɪˈkeɪʃn̩ | abdication
| ˈæbdɪkeɪtɪd abdicated abdicado (participio de abdicar)
| æbˈdomən | abdomen | æbˈdomənɪz |
| æbˈdomənɪz | abdomen's
| æbˈdʌktəz | abductors secuestradores
| æbˈdʒekʃn̩z | abjections
| ˈæbdʒekt | abject miserable (poverty); rastrero (apology)[Adjective]
| ˈæbdʒektli | abjectly abyectamente
| ˌæbdʒʊəˈreɪʃn̩ | abjuration
| ˈæbˌə | abba
| ˈæbəˌɡel | abigail doncella
| ˈæbeɪ | abbe abate
| ˈæbəkəs | abacus frame with balls for calculating
| ˌæbəˈlɪʃənəst | abolitionist
| ˌæbəˈlɪʃənəsts | abolitionists
| ˌæbəˈlɪʃənˌɪzəm | abolitionism
| ˌæbəˈlɪʃn̩ | abolition n. abolishing or being abolished
| ˌæbəˈloʊni | abalone abulón
| ˈæbəlsən | Abelson | ˈæbəˌɡel |
| ˈæbərˌdin | Aberdeen | ˈæbərˌnæθi |
| ˌæbəˈreɪʃənəl aberrational aberrante; desviado[Adjective]
| ˌæbəˈreɪʃn̩ | Aberration (n) – Deviation from a right, customary, or prescribed course.
| æˈberənt | aberrant | ˌæbəˈreɪʃn̩ |
| æˈberəntli aberrantly aberrantemente
| ˌæbəˈrɪdʒəni | aborigine | ˌæbəˈrɪdʒəniz |
| ˌæbəˈrɪdʒəniɪz | aborigine's
| ˌæbəˈrɪdʒəniz | aborigines
| ˌæbəˈrɪdʒn̩əl | aboriginal : being the first of its kind in a region; primitive; native; indigenous; N. aborigine
| ˌæbəˈrɪdʒn̩əli | aboriginally
| ˈæbərˌnæθi | Abernathy
| ˈæbes | abbess
| ˈæbˌəˌsi | abbacy Abadía
| ˈæbət | abad
| ˈæbət | abbot | ˈæbəts |
| ˈæbət | Abbott
| 'æbˌəˌtis | abatis barricada
| ˈæbəts | abbott's
| æbˈhɔːr | abhor to hate to detest
| ˈæbi | abbey | ˈæbiz |
| ˈæbi | abby
| ˈæbiɪz | abby's
| ˈæblaʊt | ablaut quesontes
| æbˈleɪʃn̩ | ablación ablation
| æbˈleɪʃn̩ | ablation ablacio/n
| æbˈleɪt | ablate extirpar
| æbˈleɪtɪd | ablated extirpado
| æbˈleɪtɪŋ | ablating
| æbˈleɪts | ablates
| ˌæbnɔːrˈmæləti | abnormality
| ˌæbnɔːrˈmælətiz | abnormalities
| æbˈnɔːrməli | abnormally
| æbˈnɔːrml̩ | abnormal | ˌæbnɔːrˈmælətiz |
| ˈæbnər | abner
| ˌæbnɪˈɡeɪʃn̩ abnegation : renunciation; self-sacrifice; self-abnegation
| ˈæbrəɡeɪts | abrogates
| ˈæbrəˌɡet | abrogate | ˈæbrəˌɡetəd |
| ˈæbrəˌɡetəd | Abrogate (v) – To abolish, repeat
| ˈæbrəˌɡetɪŋ | abrogating
| ˌæbrəkəˈdæbrə | abracadabra n, interj meaningless word said as a supposedly magic formula esp by conjurors while performing magic tricks
| ˈæbˌses | abscess absceso, flemon


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