Big words

Intelligent Words
by Paulo P Sanchez

Long and exotic words (like defenestration or sesquipedalian) are often more fascinating than useful. By comparison, these words can enrich conversations without sounding ridiculous.


Definition: a theory or a group of ideas about how something should be done, made, or thought about

Words It Might Replace: idea, theory, concept


"Pessimists are bemoaning the end of U.S. human spaceflight, but optimists see the next few years as a transition to a new paradigm that will energize commercial ventures and get astronauts beyond Earth orbit for the first time since the Nixon administration." – Alan Boyle,, July 13, 2011


Definition: a statement that seems to be contradictory or opposed to common sense yet is perhaps true

Words It Might Replace: puzzle, surprise


"Withhold $800 million in military aid, let it go through, or double it – no matter what Washington does it can't escape the paradox that [Pakistan] is its most important ally in the war on terror." – Zachary Fillingham, Geopolitical Monitor, July 11, 2011


Definition: a very small difference in color, tone, or meaning

Words It Might Replace: aspect, thing, detail


"...Research shows that our memory is strongest and lasts the longest when our emotions are heightened. This helps explain why we might remember every nuance of our wedding day or our valedictory speech in college." – Richard Zwolinski,, July 11, 2011


Definition: a person whose interest in an art or in an area of knowledge is not very deep or serious

Words It Might Replace: dabbler, amateur, hack


"But compared with Matthew de Abaitua I am a complete dilettante. We camp perhaps once a year, and only in summer, and only in good weather (we cancel if it's wet)." – Tom Fort,, June 28, 2011


Definition: luck that takes the form of finding valuable or pleasant things that are not looked for

Words It Might Replace: luck; chance; good fortune


"If there is one thing social networks and living in public have facilitated, it's serendipity. Serendipity is a good thing. It's been well documented that people who talk to strangers tend to be luckier, and this also applies to communicating with our existing networks..." – Kaila Colbin,, July 15, 2011


Definition: a mild or pleasant word or phrase that is used in place of one that is offensive or unpleasant

Words It Might Replace: alternative, "another way of saying"


"Anyone who's ever lived in a small apartment building full of quirky (usually a euphemism for 'extremely irritating') tenants has probably imagined one of them suddenly found dead or killing somebody else." – Steve Donoghue, Washington Post, July 8, 2011


Definition: a division into two mutually exclusive or contradictory groups or things

Words It Might Replace: split, division, contrast


"But ballet, with its built-in dichotomy of gender roles (women alone rise on point, men alone may do the partnering), has a romantic tension that can seem poignant, even tragic." – Alastair Macaulay, New York Times, July 4, 2011

Non sequitur

Definition: a statement that doesn't logically follow from or is not clearly related to anything said before it (literally, 'it does not follow' in Latin)

Words It Might Replace: nonsense, stumper, "huh?"


"'Russia needs more successful young entrepreneurs, therefore, governors should have more children!' At first it may seem a non-sequitur. But in Russia the joke is obvious, cutting to the heart of a growing source of discontent among the young: routes to professional success are fewer and fewer, while the offspring of top provincial officials and the like do well." – Charles Clover, Financial, July 11, 2011
