Construction Project management vocabulary D

Daily Construction Report - A written document and record that has two main purposes: (1) they furnish information to off-site persons who need and have a right to know important details of events as they occur daily and hourly, and (2) they furnish historical documentation that might later have a legal bearing in cases of disputes. Daily reports should be as factual and impersonal as possible, free from the expression of personal opinions and feelings. Each report should be numbered to correspond with the working days established on the progress schedule. In the event of no-work days, a daily report should still be made, stating "no work today" ( due to rain, strike, or other causes). The report includes a description of the weather; a record of the total number of employees, subcontractors by name, work started and completed today, equipment on the job site, job progress today, names and titles of visitors, accidents and/or safety meetings, and a remarks column for other job related information.
Date of Agreement - (1) Usually on the front page of the agreement (2) If not on front page it may be the date opposite the signatures when the agreement was actually signed (3) or when it was recorded (4) or the date the agreement was actually awarded to the contractor.
Date of Commencement of the Work - The date established in a written notice to proceed from the owner to the contractor.
Date of Substantial Completion - The date certified by the architect when the work or a designated portion thereof is sufficiently complete, in accordance with the contract documents, so the owner may occupy the work or designated portion thereof for the use for which it is intended.
Demising Walls - The boundaries that separate your space from your neighbors' and from the public corridor.
Design - A graphical representation consisting of plan views, interior and exterior elevations, sections, and other drawings and details to depict the goal or purpose for a building or other structure.
Design Development Phase - The term used on architectural projects to describe the transitional phase from the Schematic Phase to the Contract Document during design.
Designability - A pragmatic, value-based assessment of the design in comparison with the stated physical and aesthetic needs of the owner.
Design-Build (D-B) - A project delivery method where a design-build contractor (contractor-led D-B), A/E design professional (design-led D-B) or CM (CM-led D-B) is directly responsible for both the total project design and construction of the project. Design-Build liability can be explicitly conveyed through the contract documents or implicitly conveyed through the assumption of project-specific design liability, via performance specifications.
Design-Build Construction - When a Prime or Main contractor bids or negotiates to provide Design and Construction services for the entire construction project.
Design-Build Contracting - A contract structure where both design and construction responsibility are vested in a single contractor.
Design-Build Contractor - A contractor that provides design and construction services under a single responsibility contract to an owner.
Design-Construct Contract - A written agreement between and contractor and owner wherein the contractor agrees to provide both design and construction services.
Design-Development Phase - The second phase of the architect's basic services wherein the architect prepares drawings and other presentation documents to fix and describe the size and character of the entire project as to architectural, structural, mechanical and electrical systems, materials and other essentials as may be appropriate; and prepares a statement of probable construction cost.
Design-XCM - A variation of the extended services form of CM, where the A/E also provides the CM function.
Detail - (1) An individual part or item (2) A graphical scale representation, e.g., a drawing at a larger scale, of construction parts or items showing materials, composition and dimensions.
Detailed Construction Schedule - A graphic, tabular or narrative representation or depiction of the construction portion of the project-delivery process, showing individual activities and durations or activities in sequential order at the lowest level of detail (Level-3 Schedule).
Direct Costs - The costs directly attributed to a work-scope, such as labor, material, equipment, and subcontracts but not t he cost of operations overhead and the labor, material, equipment, and subcontracts expended in support of the undertaking. Direct Costs, Hard Costs, and Construction Costs are synonymous.
Direct Labor Costs - Costs accruing from expended labor excluding the bonus portion of overtime, insurances, and payroll taxes.
Direct Material Costs - Costs accruing from material acquisition including purchase price, freight, and taxes.
Division of Work - A portion of the total project reserved for contractors for bidding and performance purposes, i.e., Bid Division or Work-Scope.
Division of Work Description - A narrative description of the concise work-scope to be bid and performed by a contractor; Bid Description Division or Work Scope. 
Drawings - (1) A term used to represent that portion of the contract documents that graphically illustrates the design, location, geometry and dimensions of the components and elements contained in a specific project in sufficient detail to facilitate construction. (2) A line drawing.
Dual Services - The providing of more than one principal service under a single contract or multiple contracts.
Duration - The length of an activity, excluding holidays and other non-working days.
Dynamic Decisions - Decisions that are made without team deliberations. Autonomous or bilateral decisions based on policy, procedures, or experience.
Dynamic Risk - The risk inherent to a speculative decision. The risk-taker can either gain, lose, or break even from the risk.
