Idioms 1

Idiom is a group of words that are used together all the time, but you can't find the meaning from the individual words. For example, you can't translate "down in the dumps" word-by-word to find the meaning (sad). All languages have idioms.

A "loonie" is a one-dollar Canadian coin. It has a picture of a loon on it.
a background check : = looking into your past activity
A bean counter is an accountant.
A belief in the hereafter is a belief in the afterlife, or life after death. It is, therefore, associated with religions and the soul's journey to heaven or to hell, whichever way being just deserts for the person based on how they led their life.
A big fish in a small pond is an important person in a small place or organisation.
A big hitter is someone who commands a lot of respect and is very important in their field.
'A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush' is a proverb meaning that it is better to have something that is certain than take a risk to get more, where you might lose everything.
A bit much If something is excessive or annoying, it is a bit much.
A bit player has a small or unimportant role in something.
A bitter pill to swallow is something that is hard to accept.
A busman's holiday is when you spend your free time doing the same sort of work as you do in your job.
A chain is no stronger than its weakest link This means that processes, organisations, etc, are vulnerable because the weakest person or part can always damage or break them.
a cinch: something that's very easy to do.
A day late and a dollar short (USA) If something is a day late and a dollar short, it is too little, too late.
a drop in the bucket a very small amount of something compared with the amount that is needed
A fool and his money are soon parted This idiom means that people who aren't careful with their money spend it quickly. 'A fool and his money are easily parted' is an alternative form of the idiom.
A fool at 40 is a fool forever If someone hasn't matured by the time they reach forty, they never will.
A hitch in your giddy-up If you have a hitch in your giddy-up, you're not feeling well. ('A hitch in your gittie-up' is also used.)
a hole in the wall
A lick and a promise If you give something a lick and a promise, you do it hurriedly, most often incompletely, intending to return to it later.
A little bird told me If someone doesn't want to say where they got some information from, they can say that a little bird told them.
A little learning is a dangerous thing A small amount of knowledge can cause people to think they are more expert than they really he said he'd done a course on home electrics, but when he tried to mend my table lamp, he fused all the lights! I think a little learning is a dangerous th
A long row to hoe Something that is a long row to hoe is a difficult task that takes a long time.
A lost ball in the high weeds A lost ball in the high weeds is someone who does not know what they are doing, where they are or how to do something.
